Thursday, April 21, 2011

New Blogs USA, LLC

I’m a little slow. This whole blog thing is new to me, so I have recently discovered the ability to create multiple blogs under this account. As such I have created separate pages for movie news, movie reviews and new releases.

New Blogs can be found by clicking "view my complete profile" to the left.

I’m also working on making some animated films using moviestorm. They’ll be based off of short scripts I have and am writing and also the feature length scripts I have completed. They’ll be a blog coming for updates and clips once the first film gets off the ground I’ll also be hosting a website ( using godaddy’s services. That part will take me a while. I have the hosting and domain, but I need to write the code to create the actual site. I’d like to have it up and running soon.

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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Leatherface 3D Getting Director John Luessenhop?

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Leatherface 3D Getting Director John Luessenhop?

Bloody Disgusting is reporting that John Luessenhop is in talks to direct Leatherface 3D, Lionsgate's relaunch of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003) [Blu-ray]

Restrepo Documentarian Tim Hetherington Reportedly Killed in Libya

Having survived many dangerous photographic missions in his life, as well as repeated trips to the lethal Restrepo outpost in Afghanistan--now abandoned by U.S. military--where he shot Oscar-nominated doc Restrepo with co-director Sebastian Junger, British photojournalist and Vanity contributor Tim Hetherington has reportedly died in an attack in Libya, along with photographer Chris Hondros. Photographer Andre Liohn wrote from the scene on his Facebook page: Sad news Tim Hetherington died in Misrata now when covering the front line. Chris Hondros is in a serious status. Michel Brown and Guy are wounded but fine. He later writes that this news is confirmed, that he is "at the hospital now." My condolences go to Hetherington's friends and family, and to Junger. I am so sad to hear (more at

Sad day indeed.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Blockbuster To Dwindle To 600 Stores - Shop Now

EW is reporting that Blockbuster will keep 600 stores open nationwide.
At the height of Blockbuster’s domination, the video chain had nearly 6,000 locations across the country. But since declaring bankruptcy last September, Blockbuster has seen its stores dwindle to just over 1,700. Now, with the imminent acquisition by Dish Network for $320 million, the Dallas Morning News reports that the new ownership plans to close additional stores — more than a 1,000 — but that approximately 600 locations will remain open. A spokesperson for Dish Network declined to comment, but the report hints that Blockbuster will remain in the movie rental business for the time being. (

I hope that they’ll keep at least one of my local stores. I’ll admit to having Netflix, but I will also admit to going to my local Blockbuster on occasion to pick up a flick that Netflix doesn’t have streaming. Sure I pay more, but I enjoy the experience. Maybe I’m getting nostalgic in my (almost) middle-age. I like the experience of going into the store, browsing the aisles and interacting with actual human beings.

I’ve slacked off in the past few years. There was a time when I went to Blockbuster so often that their Friday afternoon crew greeted me like Norm from Cheers. I understand that the world moves on and technology changes things (hell the internet was still sci-fi when I was a kid), but this aging nerdish guy will miss the days of talking about the latest releases with the staff face to face instead of just emailing customer service. Technology is a wonderful thing, but I can’t help but look around and see how it is, in many ways, taking the human out of our humanity. We can get anything and everything online and people just don’t seem to interact like they used to.

Ok…I’m off of my soap box for now HaHa!!!!

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Matt Reeves to Direct The Passage

The hottest Hollywood gifts on the Net! reports that Matt Reeves has been hired to direct The Passage for Fox 2000. The screenplay by John Logan, for which Matt Reeves will be supervising a re-write, is based on the bestselling novel of the same name by Justin Cronin (The Passage: A NovelContemporary Literature)) .

The Passage follows what happens when a scientific experiment goes wrong, creating a horde of blood-hungry vampires set on destroying the world. It begins with a group of terminally ill cancer patients being treated with South African bat bites. At first, this seems like the perfect cure, but it soon turns out that this treatment is breeding an unstoppable army of indestructible bloodsuckers who can also read minds. Before long, they set out to infect the entire populace of the world.(Alan Orange

Unfortunately he will also be directing the remake of They Live (They LiveAlien Invasions)). I know remakes have always existed in Hollywood, but damn people!!! There have been way too many in the past few years.

James Franco to star in The Stare Opposite Winona Ryder

James Franco in The Stare is reporting that James Franco (127 Hours) will star in and produce an indie drama titled The Stare, which also stars Winona Ryder (Black Swan [Blu-ray]).

The story centers on a troubled playwright (Winona Ryder) who is struggling with her latest production. She starts to have bizarre dreams and visions that she is being watched, and is uncertain if she's losing her mind, or if others are plotting against her. James Franco will portray one of the actors in her new play.

Ryan Gosling Will NOT Be The Lone Ranger

There were a lot of blog reports yesterday that Ryan Gosling (Lars and the Real Girl [Blu-ray]
) was in talks to play The Lone Ranger to Johnny Depp's Tonto. Today it has been reported by the actor's Reps that he will not be taking that role. Rumors are that his commitment to the upcoming Logan's Run (Logan's Run [Blu-ray]Crime Movies & TV)
)rip off....errr...remake may have kept him from accepting this role At this rate Depp may be playing a retired Tonto who sits on a rocking chair and yells at The Lone Ranger to get off of his lawn. Will anyone step up for the role? I would except for the fact that I have no acting ability, am almost...well...almost older, and did I mention no acting ability?